25 Oldest Gadgets People Are Still Using In 2024
The majority of the families have old things they still use to this day, as a good toaster or microwave, they keep them because it just refuse to stop working, even my family has a 27-year-old cup and we still use it. So why we should get rid of things we still need?
Recently, a Twitter user Zoe Kleinman asked people to share the oldest things they still use in nowadays. And soon people started sharing gadgets, from old radios to mixers from the 1960s.
Twitter/ @zsk
Check out the oldest tools are still working to this day in the gallery below. You might even be surprised that these things still even ever exist!
Twitter/ @reesmf
Twitter/ @rhbBSE
Twitter/ @LouiseMangos
Twitter/ @TheRetroManCave
Twitter/ @Richard92334590
Twitter/ @HamishMThompson
Twitter/ @dowlingual
Twitter/ @TWSheppard
Twitter/ @smartin
Twitter/ @janey_wall
Twitter/ @davidprhoton
Twitter/ @GeezerD205
Twitter/ @Sharl
Twitter/ @jessage
Twitter/ @LordDestiny_
Twitter/ @Barry_Waddilove
Twitter/ @rossatkin
Twitter/ @DorsetRachel
Twitter/ @TheCornflake
Twitter/ @ai6yrham
Twitter/ @Anonymoosh
Twitter/ @G7KVE
Twitter/ @MoatazAttallah
Twitter/ @_TUMULUS
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