People Are Sharing The Ridiculous Things All Of Us Did As Kids (30 Pics)
When we were kids, we used to do all kinds of weird things that sound pretty ridiculous now. Imagination is surely a gift, though – we were happy to live in a castle made of blankets, the sofa, pillows or also running up the basement stairs as fast as you could after turning off the lights because you were scared a monster would catch you.
Some of us still do these things as grown-ups! And it’s nothing embarrassing really because it just means you haven’t lost that childish heart and people are sharing all of the odd things – check out all of the weird things we used to do as kids in the gallery below! So stay happy and remember our childhood time you will not be able to return it.
reddit/ emersonic420
Imgur/ dynamaux
reddit/ HonorTheGift
reddit/ aimfromproland
reddit/ RavenClaw568
twitter/ sssniperwolf
instagram/ 90smadness
reddit/ TheVanquisher5
reddit/ KingOfAthena
Instagram/ nostalgia
Facebook/ Coffee
twitter/ AndyLeeman91
reddit/ DatElonMusketeer
reddit/ LHG02
twitter/ Alt_Keili
reddit/ Memedics
twitter/ fabelarde
reddit/ Tommy9111
Facebook/ I-played-the-floor-is-hot-lava-game-when-I-was-a-kid
reddit/ Lil_pants
reddit/ dark_cawlisse
instagram/ teaandlaughter
instagram/ hostinglaughs
reddit/ Lightningmcmeth69
reddit/ suboppheh
reddit/ GlipGlopKing28
reddit/ amqdio
imgur/ unknown
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